The usage of embryonic stem cells has been a huge controversy between large groups of opposing sides -- there is no easy solution. On one hand, they have the potential to be the cure for the world's greatest disease. Yet, is the cost of the potential human being worth this? Both sides have very valid points which cannot be ignored, so the best solution there is to find a compromise between the two.
This issue needs to be dealt carefully and sensitively, with an open mind to all sides of the argument. The best solution as of the moment, since there is so much still to learn about stem cells, is to continue research under strict supervision from the government.As time and time progresses, if stem cell fulfills the potential it is currently promising at the moment, more severe actions need to be taken. Research is only acceptable at the moment because it is using the leftovers from fertility clinics to save lives of possibly millions. This question was asked by an anonymous user: "What happens when the leftovers run out? Where are we going to find resources to feed the mass need for embryonic stem cells?"
The problems of stem cell research are only in the warning stages at the moment, there is no doubt that these problems will get more complicated as the research continues. Governments should proceed with caution and continue to listen to the voice of the people.